
Sumadi Putrawan & Partner Law Firm

Sumadi Putrawan & Partner Law Firm provides legal solution services and is an experienced, educated, and committed practitioner who will help clients and provide positive solutions in dealing with legal problems and disputes. Lawyer SPP Law Firm has a high commitment to trust and long-term relationships and upholds honesty and integrity.

Lawyer Division

I Wayan Putrawan, SH

Has joined SPP Law Firm since 2020, with bunch of experience in legal matters. A Law graduate and also registered lawyer, becomes part of the PERADI association (Indonesian Advocates Association).

He provided legal services in such areas civil, corporate, family and marriage. He manages the relationship transparently so that the clients can see how their interests are being served at every stage of the litigation process.

Haryo Bagus Sujatmiko, SH

Joined SPP Law Firm in the early 2020. He is a law graduate person and is well versed in the world of Indonesian law and also registered lawyer who has joined the PERADI association (Indonesian Advocates Association). Has years of experience in legal cases around Bali and always helps clients solve their most complex and challenging legal problems.


Civil & Criminal

SPP Law Firm helps to resolve legal issues that impact on people’s everyday life, for example debts issue, damage claim due to negligence/breach in business, property disputes, etc. We can assist clients in pursuing or resolving lawsuits as well as provide strong advocacy in every step of litigation and dispute resolution process. We also represent clients in a diverse range of matters, including fraud and other criminal cases. We act on behalf of individuals, business and professional associations.

Family & Marriage

It’s never easy if there’s a family breakdown. Mindful advice from family advisor will make the process easier and find solution even faster.

We specialize in the full range of family legal matters including divorce, child custody, financial issue, inheritance settlement, property claim and more. We put real effort in resolving family matters by agreement, mediation or negotiation, whilst ensuring our clients’ interest is fulfilled in every step of the process.